“Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you? Show us your steadfast love, O LORD, and grant us your salvation.” Ps. 85:6–7
It is amazing how quickly things can change in South Texas. I woke up this morning to a “Fire Alert” because of high winds and dry conditions in places, I suppose. But it is amazing that even one really good spring downpour can move our yards from parched brown to lavish green. I can run my sprinkler endlessly, but there’s just something about the water that falls from the sky that brings restoration and revival like no other watery supply to the grass.
Our hearts are no different. When we grow brown, dry, and crispy on the inside—when our delighting in Him morphs into coolness towards Him (and others), we need what only Jesus can give us. There’s no hose, fire hydrant, or reservoir of our own making that can restore or revive our hearts. So we need to go to the source, “Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?”
And again we cry out with the Psalmist, “Show us your steadfast (unfailing) love, O LORD,” It was the unfailing/steadfast love of our LORD that first brought life to our deadness, and turned our mourning into rejoicing. Likewise, it is the steadfast, unfailing, unwavering, unparalleled love of our Lord that will “green up” our hearts.
In Isaiah 58:11 the LORD has promised, “And the LORD will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail. He has invited the thirsty to come and drink freely of living water—Spirit-water (John 7:37-39). And He sends His “rain” to restore and revive us at just the right time. The psalmist also cries to the Lord to accomplish His covenantal will, “…and grant us your salvation.” This is the second time the psalmist asks for this. In vs. 4 we read, “Restore us again, O God of our salvation…”
So let us boldly come before God this March morning, praying for what He prays for us—the fullness of His joy (John 17:13) which is like a spring rain on a parched ground. We need to remember and be motivated by the fact that He suffered the ultimate thirst on the cross, so we’ll never thirst again. He did not receive anything that would revive Him as He took all of God’s wrath due us upon Himself.
So LORD, we ask today, restore and revive in us the joy of your salvation, the gladness of your grace, the merriment of your mercy. It is the Spirit of the living God who delights in restoring and reviving us…His people…when we come to Him seeking for Him to rain on us His grace.
God Bless y’all this day.
In His Grip,
Pastor Mike