
“Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions, and give to the needy. Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Luke 12:32-34

Good Monday morning to all who have woken up and gone outside to a little cooler morning giving us the opportunity to rejoice rather than complain about the oppressive heat.

Our text this morning speaks clearly to us in a couple of ways. When we are uncomfortable in this life…for whatever reason…and there are as many reasons as there are people…this text reins us in a bit so we can start our day with a bit more joy in our step.  On mornings like this, we can remind ourselves that we have gladly taken our place among the Lord’s “little flock”—as His beloved lambs that aren’t strangers to uncertainty and fear. The best news is that this little flock… is HIS little flock. There’s no safer place than to be in HIS hands and heart.

Between the prophets and Jesus, I completely understand why we have been warned over and over again against setting our hearts on the wrong treasures, especially when we’re feeling vulnerable. When threatened, we often look to the wrong things and wrong people for safety, stability, and security. But I’ve lived long enough to see what happens when we choose anything or anyone, besides HIM, as our ultimate treasure… our ultimate source of strength in our regular weakness.

The treasures of this world are so fleeting. I have seen people inherit or win millions, and then I have seen them lose them to the wind. I’ve seen families deeply stressed as they prepare for the reading of a will, and then permanently divided over the execution of the same will. I’ve seen windfall profits turned into landfill waste in a matter of months. The preoccupation, busyness, and stress of running after the wrong things, sabotages our relationships and diseases our hearts just as He tells us, whether here in our text or everywhere else in Scripture. He constantly reminds us in His Word of this message…with 2 simple words… “Fear Not!” In other words, take stock in what you fear and STOP IT!!!!

This text teaches us in a way that is rather graphic and understandable (imagine that the Bible being understandable), there are all kinds of wear and tear, thieves and moths that pillage temporal riches; but nothing, absolutely nothing, threatens the value and security of HIS everlasting kingdom. Nothing, absolutely nothing, can threaten the status of HIS “little flock.”

Today, we can and should reaffirm that Jesus is our priceless treasure and the most desired of all. To know Him, is eternal life (all day, every day!); to be loved by Him (which is a given…a promise that cannot be broken), is joy abundantly, peace beyond understanding, and riches beyond measure. Because of Him…or maybe like Him, we can call God “Abba, Father” and the new heavens and new earth is our inheritance.

In these dog days of summer we sometimes feel like we are melting from the heat, but rather than thinking of how bad things are, let us remember that in Jesus, He melts our fears with His peace; strengthens our hearts with His grace; and send us forth into kingdom service, with His irrepressible love and power. So, what if you do sweat a little? It is good for your body… and it is good for the Body!

God Bless, y’all today!!!

In His Grip,
Pastor Mike

Picture of Mike Singenstreu

Mike Singenstreu

Mike Singenstreu is Pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church in Victoria, TX.

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