Happy New Year in Christ

“When I saw Him, I fell at His feet as though dead. But He laid his right hand on me, saying, “Fear not, I am the first and the last, and the living one. I died, and behold I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of Death and Hades.” Rev. 1:17-18

Throughout Advent we looked at some of the titles and names of Jesus from the Old Testament. Then in the story of His birth we were reminded of another OT name that has been with us since the beginning in action more than in words…Immanuel…God with Us! For you have been WITH us since the beginning and will be WITH us eternally as we will once again dwell with you in the New Heavens and New Earth.  But all along whether in the Old Testament or New there is one “name” that keeps coming to the fore… “I am”. These two words correspond with His most personal name Yahweh of the Old Testament with all its meaning. Exodus 3:15- “God said to Moses, “I am who I am.”

Many tell us we need more from Jesus to be encouraged…to be at peace…to be assured in a world that desperately lacks these things.  So to that end someone will invariably come up with a new slogan or something for believers to rally around because the Word is not sufficient for them. But, we don’t need “a new word” for 2025—a pithy slogan or catchy phrase to rally around during the next twelve months. Our text reminds us that we only need these eternally trues, time-tested, suffering-proven, grace-fueled words: “Fear not, I am.” This affirmation tells us everything we need to rely on…everything about the One to whom we can run for refuge…everything about the One to whom we can be assured when everything in this world seems to be coming apart. And just to be clear, this affirmation wasn’t just for the apostle John, but every generation of His people, and for each of us personally.

Think about it this way, if Jesus had only commanded us, “Fear not,” the “onus” would fall on us to buck up and rid ourselves of our feelings of vulnerability, weakness, and anxiety. But… the “I am” changes everything! Our fears are real; but Jesus is 10,000 times 10,000 greater and nearer than our fears. He alone is worthy of our absolute trust and heart-centering adoration because He is the great “I am” who enables us, who are IN HIM, to not fear…that is to carry out this hard command.

So what do we fear as 2025 begins? Many of the same fears John dealt with 2000 years before us: Life in a world that feels more evil than the year before almost as if Jesus is not in control. OT…Circumstances that seem to contradict His care, goodness, and provision. OR even…the fear of having to wait longer, love deeper, and endure more than the supply grace and faith we have “in our tank.” We can and should express these fears to Him because the Gospel frees us to be this honest before the great “I am”. He is NOT the Wizard of Oz who was unapproachable and He is NOT simply a man behind a curtain pulling strings…but He is God…overall; Creator, Redeemer and King who is only approachable by His children…US!

By the way, this is the reason He said to John or us “I am.” In that moment of weakness as John was realizing what he was looking at, Jesus gave John His nearness, and he fell down in adoring love recognizing one on hand his extreme unworthiness to be in His presence. However, in the very next moment he realized just how much He was loved in Jesus’ presence! He remembered, he felt, he saw what Jesus had taught him earlier about Himself—7 glorious “I am’s”, (recorded for us in his Gospel. And these 7 are among the countless others throughout all the Gospels).

“I am the bread of life.” (Jn. 6:35, 41, 48, 51)
“I am the light of the world.” (Jn. 8:12
“I am the door of the sheep.” (Jn. 10:7,9)
“I am the resurrection and the life.” (Jn. 11:25
“I am the good shepherd.” (Jn. 10:11,14)
“I am the way, the truth, and the life.” (Jn. 14:6)
I am the true vine.” (Jn. 15:1, 5)

So there is nothing “new” that we need to know or focus on every day in 2025, For He has said and will be continually reminding us, as the world seems to spin in the wrong direction like the last couple of days, specifically; “Fear not, I am the first and the last, and the living one. I died, and behold I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of Death and Hades.”  Whatever our need, there will be more grace in Christ. Whatever we fear, there will be more grace in Christ…the great “I am” the One who has loved us since before the foundations of the world, will continue to do so into eternity. Take heart!

Happy New Year in Christ!

In His Grip,
Pastor Mike-
Soli Deo Gloria!

Picture of Mike Singenstreu

Mike Singenstreu

Mike Singenstreu is Pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church in Victoria, TX.

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